Application Submitted

Please use one of the following Payment Options:

OPTION 1: E-Transfer

E-Transfer $35.50 to the email e-transfer will be deposited automatically.

OPTION 2: PayPal

With PayPal, you can pay with a credit or debit card, bank account or PayPal balance.

You will receive an immediate payment receipt via email.

The online application fee is $36.40 (includes the PayPal processing fee of 2.9% + $0.30).

Click on the Buy Now button below:

OPTION 3: Cheque / Money Order

Cheques should be made payable to the McMichael Volunteer Committee in the amount of $35.
Cheques must be received by the application deadline of May 31, 2019
.Cheques should be mailed to:
The McMichael Volunteer Committee,
c/o McMichael Canadian Art Collection,
10365 Islington Avenue,
Kleinburg, Ontario, L0J1C0,
Attn: Art Sale Chair.

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