By contributing to the Indigenous Art Curatorial Fund, you directly support the McMichael’s curatorial and research initiatives that are dedicated to the acquisition, study and conservation of work by Indigenous, Inuit and Metis artists. 

Please contact Associate Director Roz Heintzman to inquire about making a contribution:

Your support helps:

  • Develop and present exhibitions of Indigenous art and share the stories of Indigenous artists; 
  • Increase research and interpretation of the McMichael’s current holdings of Indigenous art and research potential acquisitions of works by Indigenous artists; and 
  • Produce publications and other materials that showcase works by Indigenous artists. 
colourful painted wooden mask with word DONATE below


Giving Level
  • Recognition in Annual Report
  • Tax Receipt for full amount of your donation
  • Recognition in Annual Report
  • Tax Receipt for full amount of your donation
  • Complimentary one-year Member Plus McMichael membership that includes:
    • Free year-round admission and parking, free guest passes, member discounts on programs, dining and at the Gallery Shop, reciprocal admission privileges with many Canadian galleries and museums
  • A subscription to Art Flash monthly e-newsletter
  • Acknowledgment on the McMichael Lobby Donor Wall, and in the Annual Report
  • Tax Receipt for gift portion of your donation
  • Complimentary one-year Supporter level membership in the McMichael Patrons Circle that includes:
    • Free year-round admission and parking for two, plus two guests, free guest passes, member discounts on programs, dining and at the Gallery Shop, reciprocal admission privileges with many galleries and museums across North America
  • Invitations to member-only exhibition previews and openings and exclusive annual Patrons Circle events
  • A subscription to Art Flash monthly e-newsletter
  • Acknowledgment on the McMichael Lobby Donor Wall, and in the Annual Report
  • Personal service through the Development team for all your visiting needs
  • A tax receipt for the gift portion of your donation
  • Complimentary one-year Champion level membership in the McMichael Patrons Circle that includes:
    • Free year-round admission and parking for two, plus two guests, free guest passes, member discounts on programs, dining and at the Gallery Shop, reciprocal admission privileges with many galleries and museums across North America
  • Invitations to member-only exhibition previews and openings and exclusive annual Patrons Circle events
  • A private Behind the Scenes tour for you and three guests
  • A subscription to Art Flash monthly e-newsletter
  • Acknowledgment on the McMichael Lobby Donor Wall, and in the Annual Report
  • Savings on gallery meeting and entertaining facility rental fees for your private function
  • A tax receipt for the gift portion of your membership