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Celebrating From Water to Water:
A Way Through the Trees

Thursday, September 29, 2022

You are invited to a evening in celebration of Bonnie Devine’s mural project, From Water to Water: A Way Through the Trees, currently on view in the McMichael’s Grand Hall. This work explores the rich history and geography of the Toronto Carrying Place Trail and the people who dwelt along it. The portage route, located steps from the Gallery, once ran along the Humber River from Lake Ontario to Lake Simcoe and was a vital passage for Indigenous communities from southern Ontario to Georgian Bay and the upper Great Lakes.

Event Itinerary

5 PM      
Opening Ceremony

5:30 PM
Conversation moderated by artist Bonnie Devine featuring three Indigenous knowledge
keepers with significant roots in the region
Introduced by McMichael Chief Curator Sarah Milroy


Bonnie Devine, member of Serpent River First Nation, Genaabaajing Anishinaabe, Bear clan, artist, writer, and educator.
Shelley Charles, member of Georgina Island First Nation, and the Three Fires Confederacy, AnishinaabeKwe, Muskellunge Fish clan, Elder, cultural advisor, and educator.
Dominic Ste-Marie, member of the Wendat Nation, Wendake, Quebec, Wolf clan, Ontario Land management advisor in charge of the Ontario files for the Huron Wendat Nation.
Catherine Tàmmaro, Citizen of the Wyandot of Anderdon Nation; Wendat Confederacy, Spotted Turtle Clan, utrihot (Faithkeeper), Elder, Artist.

6:30 PM
Closing reception with traditional foods and refreshments


Please note that complimentary round trip transportation to the McMichael is available on a first come first served basis. You must RSVP to reserve a seat.

The bus to the gallery will depart from 100 McCaul St, Toronto at 3 PM. The return bus departs from the McMichael at 7:45 PM.

Thursday, September 29, 2022  |  5 PM

McMichael Canadian Art Collection
10365 Islington Avenue, Kleinburg ON L0J 1C0

Limited seats available. First come, first served.

Please be sure to arrive 15 minutes in advance.
BUS STOP: 100 McCaul St, Toronto
RETURN TRIP from McMichael Canadian Art Collection