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Mini Art Explorers | Ages 5 to 6

From 9 am to 5 pm | In-person

3-day camp: March 14 to 16, 2022
Fee: $242 General public; $206 McMichael members

2-day camp: March 17 to 18, 2022
Fee: $162 General public; $138 McMichael members

Groups limited to 12 participants.
Registration required.

Art Explorers | Ages 6 to 12

From 9 am to 5 pm | In-person

5-day camp: March 14 to 18, 2022
Fee: $402 General public; $342 McMichael members

Groups limited to 12 participants.
Registration required.

iPad Art Camp | Ages 13 to 15

From 1 to 5 pm | In-person

2-day camp: March 17 to 18, 2022
Fee: $82 General public; $70 McMichael members

Groups limited to 10 participants.
Registration required.


Program Description:

This play-based program is designed to provide a “first art camp” experience to youngest artists-to-be. Storytelling activities, interactive explorations of the McMichael’s exhibitions and journeys through the spectacular Gallery grounds will provide inspiration essential to this program’s hands-on art making projects. To ensure that our participants are comfortable with this full-day engagement, the instructors will make sure to adapt the program to the young children’s energy levels and to incorporate enjoyable games, socialization breaks and downtime activities.

The program will be led by fully vaccinated camp instructors. Please note that McMichael staff and volunteers will follow strict COVID-19 regulations regarding use of masks, sanitation and social distancing. The number of participants will follow guidelines set forth by local health authorities, and all families will be required to submit a COVID attestation form prior to their child’s attendance in the program. 


All art materials will be provided.


Program Description:

This highly interactive full-day art camp will offer a unique opportunity to explore the McMichael’s exhibitions when they are closed to the public, discover new artists and artistic styles, and most importantly, experiment with various artmaking methods in a safe camp environment.

Expertly led by experienced McMichael art instructors, the program will include guided art viewing during non-public hours, outdoor activities, and in-studio artmaking that will encourage campers to harness their creative power while meeting new friends.

The program will be led by fully vaccinated camp instructors. Please note that McMichael staff and volunteers will follow strict COVID-19 regulations regarding use of masks, sanitation and social distancing. The number of participants will follow guidelines set forth by local health authorities, and all families will be required to submit a COVID attestation form prior to their child’s attendance in the program. 


All art materials will be provided. 


Program Description:

In this workshop, students will receive technical instruction on how to use their iPads to create visually stunning images. Participants will learn how to master a variety of brush strokes, layering techniques and how to develop an artwork into a final printed image. Subject matter will vary from still life to non-representational art. 

The program will be led by fully vaccinated camp instructors. Please note that McMichael staff and volunteers will follow strict COVID-19 regulations regarding use of masks, sanitation and social distancing. The number of participants will follow guidelines set forth by local health authorities, and all families will be required to submit a COVID attestation form prior to their child’s attendance in the program. 


All art materials will be provided. 


What You Need to Know

COVID-19 Measures:

The safety and health of our students and staff remain our top priority

We have implemented several COVID-19 related measures to ensure the health and safety of every enrolled in our art classes.

Participants will be seated at separate tables and will be provided with a personal art kit which will be stored in the studio and not shared with other campers. Our staff have created seating arrangements to allow campers to sit at least 2 metres away from other participants.

During the program, art instructors will ensure that all campers practice social distancing measures. Campers and staff are required to wear a face mask at all times in accordance with York Region public health guidelines, and each learning space will be equipped with hand sanitation and a sink for thorough hand washing.

A COVID attestation form is required for all participants prior to arrival.

*Cancellations and Refunds:

Please note that the Gallery reserves the right to cancel or combine individual programs if minimum registrations are not achieved 14 days prior to camp start date. In the unlikely event of a program cancellation, a McMichael representative will contact you to issue a full refund through your method of payment.

March break camps are non-refundable unless otherwise communicated.

Our Kids featured camp & program