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Flight of the Monarch Day
at the McMichael

Saturday, August 20, 2022

10 am to 2 pm

Come celebrate one of North America’s most cherished insects!

On Saturday, August 20th, we invite you to spend the day at the McMichael for Flight of the Monarch Day, a festival celebrating the beauty and contributions of the monarch butterfly. Visitors and families with children of all ages can may participate in art- and nature-themed activities throughout the day with McMichael Educators and environmental experts from Toronto and Region Conservation Authority!

Please note that all activities related to Flight of the Monarch Day will take place outdoors on the grounds of the McMichael.

Note: While all activities are free of charge, parking fees ($7/vehicle) are in effect.

Native Plants Workshop with Lynn Short

11:00 am, 12 and 1:30 pm

Join Lynn Short from the Humber College Horticulture Science Department to explore the Minokamik Garden. Lynn will explain the properties of the many plant species found throughout the garden as well as the activities of all the amazing pollinator friends who visit the garden and help it thrive!

Pre-registration for this workshop is encouraged. Walk-up participants are welcome if there is room.

Drop-in Family Artmaking

10:00 am to 2:00 pm

Drop in with the McMichael creative team as we create colourful images inspired by the monarch butterfly and other pollinator creatures and plants found on the McMichael property! All materials provided.


Monarch Explorations with Celina from the TRCA

10 am to 2 pm

Drop in for a learning session all about the majestic monarch butterfly! Participants will discover how a caterpillar’s diet ensures the entire species’ survival, how caterpillars transform into butterflies, and how they alter their biology to prepare for long migrations. You’ll have the opportunity to see specimens of eggs and caterpillars under the microscope, and to participate in a fun interactive monarch activity!


Schedule of events

Program Time(s) Location  [map]
Native Plants Workshop with Lynn Short 11:00 am, 12 and 1:30 pm Minokamik Garden
Drop-in Family Art Making 10:00 am to 2 pm Minokamik Garden
Monarch Explorations with the TRCA 10:00 am to 2 pm Minokamik Garden

All workshops will be located in and around the Minokamik Garden, which can be found within the McMichael’s Sculpture Garden. For a map of the grounds, please click here.

This program is offered in partnership with Toronto and Region Conservation Authority.