Margaux Williamson: Interiors
November 6 , 2021 to May 8, 2022
About the Exhibition
While women artists of the early twentieth century were known for depicting interior spaces as places of privacy and domestic quietude, Toronto artist Margaux Williamson’s (b. 1976) interiors reveal spaces of creativity, subjectivity, and a kind of anarchic experimentation. Williamson has a distinctive way of understanding and depicting space and a woman’s place within it, exploring the studio, the home and the bar as a subject matter, as well as the interior spaces of subjectivity.
Williamson has strong ties to the broader artistic community in Toronto, including the literary and music scenes. For this reason, the exhibition will be activated by readings and performances by artists from other creative disciplines. Margaux Williamson: Interiors is guest curated by Jessica Bradley, one of Canada’s most respected curatorial voices. Bradley returns to the McMichael following the success of Marie-Claire Blais: Veils, which she curated in 2019.
For media inquiries and more information, please visit the Press Room.
Curatorial Talk with Margaux Williamson and Jessica Bradley
November 9, 2021
[tribe_event_inline id=”37223546941″]
Wednesdays, 2 pm[/tribe_event_inline]
Margaux Williamson, Garlic, 2019, oil on canvas, 16 x 16 inches, Collection of the artist
Margaux Williamson, Fire, 2021, oil on canvas, 177.8 x 213.4 cm, Promised gift of Christine and Andrew W. Dunn, McMichael Canadian Art Collection
Margaux Williamson, Window, 2017, oil on canvas, 160 x 228 cm, The Bailey Collection